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Creating metrics

Once you've created your semantic models, it's time to start adding metrics! Metrics can be defined in the same YAML files as your semantic models, or split into separate YAML files into any other subdirectories (provided that these subdirectories are also within the same dbt project repo)

The keys for metrics definitions are:

nameProvide the reference name for the metric. This name must be unique amongst all metrics.Required
descriptionDescribe your metric.Optional
typeDefine the type of metric, which can be simple, ratio, cumulative, or derived.Required
type_paramsAdditional parameters used to configure metrics. type_params are different for each metric type.Required
configProvide the specific configurations for your metric.Optional
labelThe display name for your metric. This value will be shown in downstream tools.Required
filterYou can optionally add a filter string to any metric type, applying filters to dimensions, entities, or time dimensions during metric computation. Consider it as your WHERE clause.Optional
metaAdditional metadata you want to add to your metric.Optional

Here's a complete example of the metrics spec configuration:

- name: metric name ## Required
description: same as always ## Optional
type: the type of the metric ## Required
type_params: ## Required
- specific properties for the metric type
config: here for `enabled` ## Optional
label: The display name for your metric. This value will be shown in downstream tools. ## Required
filter: | ## Optional
{{ Dimension('entity__name') }} > 0 and {{ Dimension(' entity__another_name') }} is not

This page explains the different supported metric types you can add to your dbt project.

Conversion metrics new

Conversion metrics help you track when a base event and a subsequent conversion event occurs for an entity within a set time period.

- name: The metric name # Required
description: The metric description # Optional
type: conversion # Required
label: # Required
type_params: # Required
fills_nulls_with: Set the value in your metric definition instead of null (such as zero) # Optional
conversion_type_params: # Required
entity: ENTITY # Required
calculation: CALCULATION_TYPE # Optional. default: conversion_rate. options: conversions(buys) or conversion_rate (buys/visits), and more to come.
base_measure: MEASURE # Required
conversion_measure: MEASURE # Required
window: TIME_WINDOW # Optional. default: infinity. window to join the two events. Follows a similar format as time windows elsewhere (such as 7 days)
constant_properties: # Optional. List of constant properties default: None
- base_property: DIMENSION or ENTITY # Required. A reference to a dimension/entity of the semantic model linked to the base_measure
conversion_property: DIMENSION or ENTITY # Same as base above, but to the semantic model of the conversion_measure

Cumulative metrics

Cumulative metrics aggregate a measure over a given window. If no window is specified, the window will accumulate the measure over all of the recorded time period. Note that you will need to create the time spine model before you add cumulative metrics.

# Cumulative metrics aggregate a measure over a given window. The window is considered infinite if no window parameter is passed (accumulate the measure over all of time)
- name: wau_rolling_7
type: cumulative
fills_nulls_with: 0
- distinct_users
# Omitting window will accumulate the measure over all time
window: 7 days

Derived metrics

Derived metrics are defined as an expression of other metrics. Derived metrics allow you to do calculations on top of metrics.

- name: order_gross_profit
description: Gross profit from each order.
type: derived
label: Order Gross Profit
fills_nulls_with: 0
expr: revenue - cost
- name: order_total
alias: revenue
- name: order_cost
alias: cost

Ratio metrics

Ratio metrics involve a numerator metric and a denominator metric. A constraint string can be applied to both the numerator and denominator or separately to the numerator or denominator.

# Ratio Metric
- name: cancellation_rate
# Ratio metrics create a ratio out of two metrics.
# Define the metrics from the semantic manifest as numerator or denominator
type: ratio
fills_nulls_with: 0
numerator: cancellations
denominator: transaction_amount
filter: | # add optional constraint string. This applies to both the numerator and denominator
{{ Dimension('customer__country') }} = 'MX'
- name: enterprise_cancellation_rate
# Ratio metrics create a ratio out of two measures.
# Define the metrics from the semantic model as numerator or denominator
type: ratio
name: cancellations
filter: {{ Dimension('company__tier' )}} = 'enterprise' # constraint only applies to the numerator
denominator: transaction_amount
filter: | # add optional constraint string. This applies to both the numerator and denominator
{{ Dimension('customer__country') }} = 'MX'

Simple metrics

Simple metrics point directly to a measure. You may think of it as a function that takes only one measure as the input.

  • name Use this parameter to define the reference name of the metric. The name must be unique amongst metrics and can include lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores. You can use this name to call the metric from the dbt Semantic Layer API.
- name: cancellations
type: simple
fills_nulls_with: 0
measure: cancellations_usd # Specify the measure you are creating a proxy for.
filter: |
{{ Dimension('order__value')}} > 100 and {{Dimension('user__acquisition')}}


A filter is configured using Jinja templating. Use the following syntax to reference entities, dimensions, and time dimensions in filters:

filter: |
{{ Entity('entity_name') }}
filter: |
{{ Dimension('primary_entity__dimension_name') }}
filter: |
{{ TimeDimension('time_dimension', 'granularity') }}

Further configuration

You can set more metadata for your metrics, which can be used by other tools later on. The way this metadata is used will vary based on the specific integration partner

  • Description Write a detailed description of the metric.